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4714 Wise St #1

Paragould, AR 72450 


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OFFICE HOURS: THIS IS A PART TIME JOB. Please be patient. Email is much more effective than phone calls because of the odd hours. NEW: Print issues are now available again. See Subscription prices.

Our address is: 4714 Wise St #1, Paragould, AR, 72450.  No phone or fax. But we can answer any questions through email.  
Email: [email protected]. Visa/Master/Discover/AmEx/Paypal accepted on website.
Always Jukin' is a magazine for the Jukebox & Gameroom enthusiast. Inside the magazine you will find Jukebox, Pinball, Arcade, & Soda Machine articles, troubleshooting questions from subscribers answered by a technician, Tech Hints, Feature Articles on your favorite jukeboxes, subscriber photos with their collections, Coming Events, and plenty of advertising to either find your own jukebox or gameroom equipment or sell one yourself. Subscribing is easy...... To view a copy of the magazine click  OPEN. Or click here to order 1 issue of the magazine sent via U.S. mail.
We also offer a variety of Jukebox Books to help you with your restoration: Service Manuals, Trouble Shooting Books,  as well as  Title Strips  and Title Strip Softwareto make your jukebox look its best.
SHIPPING:  We ship most orders within 48 hours. However, this is NOT a full-time job, so some orders may take up to 5 days to ship.
We have information on Seeburg, Wurlitzer, AMi, Rowe, Rockola, Capehart, Chicago Coin, Evans, Filben, Gabel, Mills, NSM, Packard, Ristaucrat, Scopitone, United, & Aireon.
Don't miss the 2024 Calendars.
Seeburg, Wurlitzer, Rockola, AMi, Obscure Jukes, and Mixed Jukebox Calendar.